5 Ways to Avoid a Speeding Ticket

28 Nov

My uncle has been a cop for over 20 years. He has given my family and me many pieces of advice when it comes to avoiding those speeding tickets we all hate. I thought you may find it helpful if I share his advice with you guys too! Obviously these tips won’t guarantee that won’t be pulled over but every little piece of advice helps… right?


1) Keep your car well maintained. It’s important to know that your car says a lot about you.  If it looks like it’s in horrible condition then a cop is more likely to give you a ticket rather than just a warning. Also don’t have bumper stickers that are anti-police or pro-violence.
2) Never admit you were speeding. If you do get pulled over and the cop asks you: “do you know how fast you were going?” Never say: “I know I was going 80 mph in a 50 mph zone.” The correct thing to say is something along the lines of: “I was not aware of my speed.”
3) If you do get a ticket plead not guilty, and defer your court date. The reason is because officers write several tickets a day. Several months later by the time you court date comes there’s a good chance the office won’t remember you, especially if you quietly took the ticket and parted.
4) Wave at a hidden police car. Sound dumb? Well if you wave at them they will think that you are acknowledging the fact that you were speeding, and you are letting him know you’re slowing down. Also he may think that since you waved he might know you which lower your chances for getting a ticket.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          5) Be smart with the technology we have today. If you have a GPS system in your car you can download additional Points-of-Interest software onto your GPS that will tell you when you’re approaching stoplights that have traffic cameras. Way cool!

2 Responses to “5 Ways to Avoid a Speeding Ticket”

  1. hfriedenbach November 30, 2011 at 1:44 am #

    This is one of the most helpful blogs I have ever read! I have gotten two speeding tickets already and I can not afford another one under my belt. My insurance will sky rocket, but now thanks to these tips I know ways to protect myself from the dangers of another ticket. I do however, think that it is mean when cops ask you how fast your were going. If they pull you over they clearly know the answer to that question and it is just rude. However, actually going to court was a helpful hint and now that I already have two tickets that is a tip I am going to keep in mind if my luck runs out and I obtain another ticket. Thanks girl! I appreciate the tips!

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